Mental Health

Mental Health

Our mental health support services begin with intensive 24-hour support in a home environment to a comprehensive range of community-based services.

Comprehensive assessments for service users are based on personalised plans of care and support and risk assessments. These plans are then implemented, monitored and reviewed for effectiveness. The models of support available vary widely and our staff have expertise in a range of areas, working with professionals from social services, the NHS and the voluntary sector to complete the service offer.

Core to our support is the implementation of SMART goals; these being Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and based on time – little steps to make big achievements.

Using the recovery model also includes focusing on all the other aspects of support, so ensuring general health and wellbeing are maintained, a safe living environment, building confidence, self-motivation and ultimately putting service users in their rightful place in society.

Schizophrenia and Personality Disorder

Often linked together, these are two different disorders and we regard and treat them as such. Schizophrenia is the more common, it can arise at any point in life and often improves as time goes on, the arrival is usually slow and signs are recognised before real issues arise, allowing time for help to be sought and strategies put in place. Few of those with Schizophrenia are a danger to themselves, or to others. The symptoms can be confusing and worrying for those around, we can assist and work with all those involved.

Personality Disorder can manifest itself in various and confusing ways. This can affect behaviours, emotions and thinking, it may make sufferers behave impulsively and they can be seen as aggressive, although rarely does the condition become dangerous. The condition may be as a result of substance abuse, or depression. A key part of treatment is talking therapies and these may last for years and help individuals to build methods of coping and managing their life, along with drug therapies. As always in these cases. Individualised treatment with regular assessments are a must, the individual their care and support needs being central.